Thursday, 19-11-2009

Establishing community conservation programs for conflict affected youth
The Aceh Conservation Corps provides hands-on environmental stewardship and service-learning opportunities to conflict affected youth and young adults...

Sunday, 15-11-2009

Bathymetry project expanding
Japanese Fund for Poverty Reduction (JFPR) has agreed to provide 50 units to expand the mapping project into other areas of Aceh. This equipment will...

Tuesday, 03-11-2009

ADB selects Community-based Bathymetric Survey project to highlight in their Knowledge Solutions
ADB selected the Community-based Bathymetric Survey as one of their examples of innovative projects.

For a link to the showcase go to:

Thursday, 01-10-2009

Penelope's first data
The images to the left and below were taken of the coral reefs with Penelope's hull mounted sidescan sonar. The frequencies are 50, 80, 200 and 455 K...

Saturday, 26-09-2009

Inside Aceh
Many of the lessons learned during the reconstruction following the largest natural disaster in modern history are disappearing from the web. As vari...

Thursday, 10-09-2009

Thai boat caught fishing illegally just 30 miles off the west coast of Aceh
Below is a hand-phone movie that was taken by a Indonesian captain. This Thai fishing boat was fishing just 30 miles off the west coast of Aceh. You...

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